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Notes from the Wild

Green Herons

Apr 7, 2015 | Don Scallen | Blogs | Environment

Humans and other animals – not so different. Green herons will sometimes use leaves and other objects to lure fish within striking distance of their rapier-like beaks.

Bur Oaks

Mar 6, 2015 | Don Scallen

Why do so many sentinel bur oaks grace farm fields in Caledon and other parts of southern Ontario?

Avian immigrants and bird-feeding

Feb 9, 2015 | Don Scallen

Bird feeding has been largely responsible for the expansion of cardinals and mourning doves into Ontario.

House Sparrows

Jan 12, 2015 | Don Scallen

House sparrows may now be the most abundant and widespread bird on Earth, occupying every continent except Antarctica.

Beech Trees

Dec 10, 2014 | Don Scallen

Beech trees are being destroyed at heartbreaking speed by an introduced pathogen called beech bark disease.

Where the Wild Things Are

Nov 8, 2014 | Don Scallen

Where brook trout flourish, expect other exquisite wild things.

Osprey and DDT

Oct 11, 2014 | Don Scallen

Look for Osprey near Island Lake, Orangeville.


Sep 12, 2014 | Don Scallen

Io moth cats sport a bristling armament of stinging hairs.

Great Egrets

Aug 15, 2014 | Don Scallen | Blogs | Environment

Egrets were being slaughtered by the thousands in 19th century America.

Milkweed and Monarchs

Jul 25, 2014 | Don Scallen

The monarchs’ table was set, but alas, they wouldn’t come to dinner.

The Raven

Jun 25, 2014 | Don Scallen | Blogs | Environment

Ravens are renowned for their ability to solve complex puzzles to obtain tasty tidbits of food.

Imperilled Turtles

May 26, 2014 | Don Scallen | Blogs | Environment

May/June is the time that turtles emerge from a long winter’s dormancy to bask in the sun. Unfortunately fewer and fewer of them appear every spring.