From “In the Hills” to “On the Hills”
These Two Blue Boots are moving on to find new adventures.
Last spring, we sold our home in Mono, packed up our belongings, and moved to the Town of Blue Mountains. We stuffed twelve year’s worth of “stuff” into two moving vans, a car and a pick-up truck. With nary a glance backward, we were northbound.
We arrived in our new neighbourhood – a pristine subdivision, backing onto a golf course – hauling our life’s belongings. We were met with wary looks from our new neighbours as we led the motor brigade, Beverly Hillbillies-style, and pulled into our driveway. Though we must have been a frightening sight, we were greeted warmly.
We had many adjustments to make. Everything is smaller here. The garage is compact, the driveway is short, the yard is minimal. We rented a large storage unit to hold the garage overflow. Furnishings were downsized and the outdoor clutter was hidden away.
Our pets adjusted to town life slowly. Grommet the cat could often be found at the other end of the street, lounging on a porch chair belonging to an unknown neighbour. Charlie Brown the dog, being accustomed to four acres of grass, enjoyed taking his pick of several neighbouring yards on which do his “business”! It was all the same to him. He didn’t seem to understand what all the fuss was about.
We have lived at our new address for seven months now. Do we regret the move from Country to Town? Not one tiny bit. We are settled into our new neighbourhood and have enjoyed neighbourhood BBQs and house parties and dinners and dances. Everything is nearby – groceries, restaurants, and movies. We live in a four-season paradise where there is always something to see and do.
And so… these Two Blue Boots are moving on to find new adventures. I will return to visit the hills of Hockley and I will continue to enjoy reading In The Hills.
I’d like to extend much gratitude to publisher Signe Ball and web manager Valerie Jones for their mentorship and support over the years—and of course to all of you—for reading my posts and leaving comments and allowing my Two Blue Boots to take a few small steps into your lives.
Ann – You always know exactly what to say – and exactly what I need to hear. Thanks for always being able to “relate” to my stories and thanks for being the source of much of the humour that exists in “The Life of Laurie”.
Laurie May from Town of Blue Mountains on Dec 12, 2016 at 2:07 pm |
Yes I vote for more reading of “The Life of Laurie” too! You always touched on something meaningful that we could all relate to…bittersweet, embarrassing, funny, sad, uplifting…LIFE! Here’s hoping your writing will appear somewhere again soon. Wouldn’t that be a nice little Christmas gift for all of us?
Ann from Collingwood on Dec 12, 2016 at 12:34 pm |
Dear Laurie – You have poured so much of your life, love, & never ending humorous experiences into stories that have been enjoyed by many afar – not just in Mono! The Blue Mountains are a perfect next chapter to enjoy the 4 seasons and to find tranquil places to spend your time. Thank you for having the courage and commitment to sharing out loud, many of life’s ordinary but extraordinary journeys with people you’ve never met! In the Hills will miss you but I have a feeling.. “Look out Blue Mountains!”
Denise from Orangeville on Dec 11, 2016 at 7:40 pm |
Ahhhhh……I’m speechless, Denise! What an amazing comment! You are right….I’m sure there will be many years of laugher and stories to tell about my new location. Stay tuned…..
Laurie May on Dec 11, 2016 at 10:26 pm |
I have throughly enjoyed all of your Two Blue Boots blogs and through laughter, tears, smiles and perfect visuals, I’ve been excited to watch your blog grow and blossom after each new entry. I love your keeping it “real” and telling it like it is… that being what truly happens in life is an adventure and journey and sometimes the best parenting advice on the planet. You were never afraid to tell it like it was… thanks for your writing and life lessons, I definitely look forward to your next chapter and seeing what new trails your writing takes you.
Proud of how you made your blog your own and know whatever is next is going to be brilliant and amazing!
Chrysty from Ayr on Dec 10, 2016 at 9:04 pm |
Dearest Chrysty: Your message is so lovely. Your description of my blog posts is exactly the way that I hoped my readers would see them. Your constant support has meant a lot to me and your comment above gave me a perfect sense of closure. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Laurie May on Dec 11, 2016 at 11:58 am |
You always make me feel good when I read your blog as you tell things the way they are. Hope you will continue writing . Maybe we will read you On The Bay
Norma Gee from Collingwood on Dec 8, 2016 at 4:17 pm |
Thanks, Mom.
Laurie May from Town of Blue Mountains on Dec 9, 2016 at 12:21 pm |
Laurie, I sense some contrasting emotions of sadness and pleasure in your closing blog… be expected, I guess, after 12 years in beautiful/tranquil Mono . Your property in Blue Mountain might be smaller, but your neighbours are closer….many of whom I know and they are very positive and happy about having you and Darrel in their community . Your Mom and Dad are very happy, too, to have you near-by . Love the photo…..looking beautiful, content and fulfilled . Dad
PS: Did I get my “periods” right?
Larry & Norma & Gee from Collingwood on Dec 8, 2016 at 1:34 pm |
Thanks, Dad. Your periods look great to me!!!!!!!!!
Laurie May from Town of Blue Mountains on Dec 9, 2016 at 12:20 pm |
My pleasure Laurie!
Your stories always made me laugh out loud, have fun.
Valerie Jones on Dec 8, 2016 at 8:23 am |
Thank-YOU, Valerie for working your magic to make my blog posts look so professional.
Laurie May from Town of Blue Mountains on Dec 8, 2016 at 11:41 am |