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Notes from the Wild

Spiders: Intricate Weavers

Sep 20, 2010 | Don Scallen

On cool September mornings, dew reveals the intricate weavings of spiders.

Monarchs: Children of the Sun

Aug 30, 2010 | Don Scallen

Monarchs are children of the sun. The boldness of Sol this summer has energized their life cycle.

Underwing Moths

Aug 9, 2010 | Don Scallen

Nighttime flyers with a sweet tooth! (ironic considering they have no teeth at all!). If you plan to host a dinner party for them, a mélange of sugary foods and alcohol is called for.

Snapping Turtles

Jul 21, 2010 | Don Scallen | Blogs | Environment

Grist for spinners of tall tales, snapping turtles are on the verge of becoming endangered. May these reptiles of prehistoric visage long patrol our wetlands.


Jul 5, 2010 | Don Scallen | Blogs | Environment

At this time of year when we celebrate Canada Day, Don Scallen celebrates the hardy bumblebee, the “true Canadian” of the insect world.

Showy Lady’s Slipper orchids

Jun 18, 2010 | Don Scallen

With its glorious pink and white blossoms and thumb-sized pouches, this orchid is perhaps the most exquisite of all our wildflowers.

Cecropia Moths Stir Like Phantoms in the Twilight

Jun 5, 2010 | Don Scallen

Cecropia moths: Strange and wonderful phantoms of the twilight world.

Warblers are Tropical Emissaries

May 19, 2010 | Don Scallen | Blogs | Environment

Lured by warm weather and a bonanza of insects, warblers return from tropical realms. By Don Scallen.

In Praise of the Humble Toad

May 3, 2010 | Don Scallen | Blogs | Environment

The mellifluous trilling of toads resonates through our hills at this time of year. The tranquil sound wafting through an open window on a warm mid-spring eve is delightful.

Spring Peepers

Apr 18, 2010 | Don Scallen

On warm evenings in April and May our hills awaken to the life affirming voices of spring peepers. Their shrill calls stir the winter weary soul.

April is Salamander Time

Apr 9, 2010 | Don Scallen

Don Scallen introduces us to three species of salamanders that are starting to appear in our hills. The first half of April is salamander time in our hills.