Notes from the Wild
Jack in the Pulpit
May 14, 2012 |These plants can switch genders throughout their lives in response to growing conditions.
Butterfly Invasion
May 2, 2012 | | Blogs | EnvironmentTwenty times more admirals than normal are moving into the province.
March Madness
Apr 9, 2012 | | Blogs | EnvironmentThe next day spring peepers, chorus frogs and wood frogs heralded the early spring from sylvan pools.
White-Tailed Deer
Mar 17, 2012 |There are probably more deer now than there were before European settlement.
Butternut Canker
Feb 22, 2012 |Most of our butternuts are dead or dying, stricken by a fungal disease called butternut canker.
Friends of Ontario Snapping Turtles
Jan 31, 2012 |Help the turtles by signing a petition being circulated by Friends of Ontario Snapping Turtles.
Jan 3, 2012 |Cardinals appear at feeders most frequently at dusk and dawn. Perhaps during the twilight hours they are less visible to predators.
Cedar Waxwings
Dec 12, 2011 |A lovely shrub that waxwings find irresistible in late fall and early winter is a native holly called “winterberry”.
Norway Maples
Nov 17, 2011 | | Blogs | EnvironmentOur rural roads and historic schoolhouses may have ended up as dull as suburbia in the fall.
Exotic Species aka Mantis and Honeybee
Oct 22, 2011 |What has our impact been on native North American wildlife? I think we know the answer to that.
Aug 30, 2011 | | EnvironmentBoth male and female wrens generate a potpourri of chatter – a profusion of messaging rivaling the texting of human teenagers.
Micro – cosmos in your yard
Aug 23, 2011 | | Blogs | EnvironmentMany new point-and-shoot cameras have a macro focus function, allowing you to take close-up photos of miniature creatures.