Notes from the Wild
Apr 9, 2013 |The flight of the timberdoodle should continue through April and can be witnessed at dawn as well as dusk.
Mar 17, 2013 | | Blogs | EnvironmentThe redpoll feeding etiquette is decidedly boorish; they jostle each other rudely for favoured perches on the feeders.
Mar 3, 2013 |Chickadees are consummate risk takers and they pack a lot of smarts into their tiny bird brains.
Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers
Feb 15, 2013 |Hairy woodpeckers brandish large dagger-like beaks; the beaks of downys are smaller and more chisel-like.
Jan 6, 2013 |Opossums, having migrated north are also unlikely winter survivalists. Naked ears, feet and tails slough off frozen fragments during our harsh winters.
Evergreen Ferns
Dec 11, 2012 |Many ferns boast exquisite form and are splendid photographic subjects. Seeking them is a fine excuse for a late season ramble.
The Death of a Tree
Nov 13, 2012 | | Blogs | EnvironmentDenuded and sterilized, the land waits sullenly for the homes and strip malls that characterize the inexorable expansion of Brampton.
Aug 28, 2012 | | Blogs | EnvironmentDragonflies have been on Earth an incredibly long time, way before the appearance of the first dinosaurs.
Giant Swallowtail Butterflies
Aug 9, 2012 |Giant swallowtail caterpillars are branded as “orange dogs” in the American south because they eat the foliage of citrus crops including orange trees.
Bobolinks, Grasslands and Forks of the Credit Provincial Park
Jul 25, 2012 |Bobolinks, though, are only one patch in the quilt of the glorious grassland ecosystem that exists at the Forks.
Polyphemus Moths
Jun 24, 2012 |Moth communication hints at the wealth of cryptic messaging all around us.