A New Decade
With our design refresh, we’ve dressed ourselves up in some stylish new togs, and we’re ready and excited to embrace the future in our 30th year.
When I was growing up, the common coin was “Never trust anyone over 30.” But when baby boomers, a generation never inclined to cede their advantage, passed that decade marker, they smoothly transitioned to “Never trust anyone under 30.”
Either way, attaining the age of 30 marks a divide – defined by both sober reflection and a much clearer understanding of who we are and where we’re heading.
As In The Hills enters its 30th year, we’re no different. Our first issue in the spring of 1994 was 24 pages and printed on high-grade newsprint. Its oversized format was modelled on the then common weekend magazines – lots of breezy lifestyle content combined with weightier backgrounders on the issues of the day. All conceived as a leisurely “good read.”
A lot has happened since. In a practical way, many of the changes have resulted from the evolution of technology. In the second issue of 1994, a story explained the new trend of home-based offices, made possible by “microcomputers” and “telecomputing,” and envisioned a day when images could be sent through a modem – “the entire transaction accomplished in ‘high-tech’ style.” (Laugh we may, but our “high-tech style” is still plagued by rotten rural internet.)
More important, our community has changed. In 1994, the Headwaters region was just beginning to evolve from the agricultural base and firmly British heritage that had defined it for nearly two centuries. In the intervening years, the population has more than doubled, and our community is taking its place in a vibrant, multicultural world. As exciting, local agriculture, which seemed to be receding back then, has re-emerged as a driving economic and environmental force.
But two things haven’t changed. The first is our profound gratitude to the readers and advertisers who have stood by us through all the years. With your affirmation that we’re touching something relevant to your lives, we have reason to carry on. The second is our steadfast commitment to be worthy of your loyalty by continuing to reflect, celebrate and, we hope, help steward the culture, heritage, environment and enterprise that keep these hills so very dear to our collective hearts.
Like any 30-year-old, In The Hills has matured. The days when we could consider ourselves an upstart little rural magazine are well behind us. So with the design refresh launched with this issue, we’ve dressed ourselves up in some stylish new togs, and we’re ready and excited to embrace the future.
Stay tuned!
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Thank you, Ken Weber
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