Hunger Awareness Week
May 7 to 11 is Hunger Awareness Week in Canada. The campaign was created to promote understanding about what life is like when food is out of reach. As part of this event, Caledon Community Services is holding a food box challenge. Participants like me will spend the week living on the same diet that a food bank client typically receives. I’ll be posting a daily blog about the experience on the In The Hills website.
The Last Word
May 12, 2012 | | Blogs | CommunityA current client of the Caledon Food Support Program weighs in on Hunger Awareness Week
Day 4 Perspective
May 10, 2012 | | Blogs | CommunityHunger is an insidious disease inflicting humanity. It’s no better or worse, be it in Caledon East or Port-au-Prince
Day 3 Dwindling Resources
May 9, 2012 | | Blogs | CommunityFor people who live like this week-in and week-out, I can only imagine the stress involved in endlessly fretting over making it until the next hamper.
Day 2 Dandelion Whine
May 8, 2012 | | Blogs | Community“Can we forage? It’s dandelion season. They’re young and fresh right now. We should be taking advantage of that.”
Day 1 Counting Slices
May 7, 2012 | | Blogs | CommunityDid you know there are 19 slices in a loaf of Dempster’s whole wheat bread? Was news to me.
May 7 to 11 is Hunger Awareness Week in Canada
May 4, 2012 | | Blogs | CommunityJeff Rollings with his wife Brandy Robinson volunteered to live on a food bank diet for Hunger Awareness week.