Don Scallen
Don Scallen enjoys sharing his love of nature through his writing and presentations. Check out his blog "Notes from the Wild".
Oct 29, 2017Northern flickers are boldly and beautifully marked woodpeckers that are common throughout the Headwaters.
Night Hikes
Oct 17, 2017Night Hikes – A purposeful walk along a path, playing a flashlight over leaves, branches and trunks will reveal wonders.
Notes From the Wild
Sep 25, 2017Don Scallen enjoys sharing his love of nature through his writing and presentations. Check out his blog “Notes from the Wild”.
Fall’s Best: The Monarch Butterfly, the Porcupine and the Brook Trout
Sep 16, 2017Savour fall with these 10 wonders of autumnal nature – from insects to constellations.
Caterpillars and Chrysalides
Aug 17, 2017Caterpillar food plants will summon egg-laying female butterflies to your yard. Then, if sharp-eyed, you may find the minute eggs. More likely you’ll find the caterpillars.
Jul 4, 2017With a few exceptions, chrysalides are designed to be overlooked, to allow the wondrous alchemy of metamorphosis to proceed undisturbed.
Going off the Grid
Jun 21, 2017For Mary and Brad Kruger, living lightly doesn’t mean sacrificing comfort for conscience.
Jun 5, 2017The success of bluebird nest boxes tells us that we can help wildlife, if we care enough and have the will.
Woodland Wildflowers
Apr 30, 2017Spring wildflowers are a varied lot, many graced with fanciful names that fire the imaginations of children and adults.
Trees for Birds
Mar 29, 2017If you love birds, and you plant trees or shrubs this spring, please choose native plants.
Vernal Pools
Mar 20, 2017These fleeting spring wetlands are factories of biodiversity. Unusual winters threaten vernal pools, as do hot, dry summers.
8 Ways to Kick Your Grass Habit
Mar 20, 2017Inspiring tales from those who broke free from the rule of lawn.
The Hollywood Finch
Feb 27, 2017The house finch, perhaps more than any other bird species, is a confirmed urbanite, eating the bird seed we provide and cozying up to us at nesting time – hanging flower baskets are favourite nest sites.
Bald Eagles
Feb 2, 2017Luther Marsh is likely the best prospective nesting real estate for bald eagles in the Headwaters region.
Starlings – Birds We Love to Hate
Jan 4, 2017Starlings were introduced to New York City from Europe in the 1890s, there are now more than over 200 million of them in North America.
Mastodon Food
Nov 28, 2016Mastodons fed largely on the twigs and branches of trees but undoubtedly enjoyed fruit as well.