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The Rudiments of roots

Nov 20, 2010 | Roberto Frachionni | Departments | Edible Hills | Food | Winter 2010

Root vegetables – so called because the edible portion of the plant is the underground root – are harvested in late fall and cellared with the dirt still clinging to their flesh.

Yummy Pies!

Nov 20, 2010 | Nicola Ross | Homegrown in the Hills

Goodness Me! What Yummy Pies You Make! Five cups of fruit go into each nine-inch, deep-dish pie.

A Puzzling Conclusion: Winter 2010

Nov 20, 2010 | Ken Weber | Departments | In Every Issue | Leisure | Puzzles | Winter 2010

Indoor/Outdoor Learning at Local Schools; What Day Is It? Measuring from A to M; Brooke’s Scary Ride.

A Persuasive Man

Sep 13, 2010 | James Jackson

Ad man, radio host and author Terry O’Reilly discusses growing up in Sudbury, what it means to live in the Age of Persuasion, and why advertising really is an art.

Home After Supper

Sep 13, 2010 | Online Editor

Evening meetings are just one of the demands that come with the job for local councillors, and there are plenty of others, but for most who take the plunge into public service, there are also rewards. Four former councillors reflect on the highs and lows of life in the council chambers – and after.

What Makes Heather Run?

Sep 13, 2010 | Julie Suzanne Pollock

Being a councilor can be a tough, time-devouring, often thankless job. So why would anyone want to do it? One neophyte candidate offers an answer.

Straight Arrow: Lessons in a Steady Hand and a Sharp Eye

Sep 13, 2010 | Nicola Ross | Leisure

Lessons in archery from the steady hand and a sharp eye of Bruce Savage.

Stars of Dufferin

Sep 13, 2010 | Signe Ball | Arts

Mary Lazier’s new, illustrated book tells the history of Dufferin County like you’ve never heard – or seen – it before.

Autumn Canvas

Sep 13, 2010 | In The Hills

In The Hills is pleased to present our annual preview of the Festival Art Show & Sale – a sampling of some of the rich diversity of styles and
media from among the 44 local artists featured in this year’s juried show.

Has the Cat Come Back?

Sep 13, 2010 | Don Scallen | Environment

The last cougar in Ontario was shot at Creemore in 1884. Now, after the passage of more than a century, a modest “re-wilding” is underway. But what of the cougar? Has the cat come back?

Ontario Gothic

Sep 13, 2010 | Michele Green

A modest log cabin and a grand Victorian farmhouse merge history in Caledon, thanks to Helen and John Mason.

The Colourful Season

Sep 13, 2010 | Signe Ball | Autumn 2010 | Departments | Editor’s Desk | In Every Issue

In this, the colourful season in the hills, we ask municipal councillors and candidates about their lives in politics. And we say a very fond farewell to Alison Hird who for the past ten years has supplied our calendar events.