Winter 2008
Volume 15 Number 4
Generation to Generation
Nov 18, 2008 | | Back IssuesPassing on the family business can be fraught with emotion and strife. It doesn’t have to be, says Tom Deans.
All in the Family
Nov 18, 2008 | | CommunityFamily businesses are at the heart of the Headwaters economy.
William Perkins Bull
Nov 18, 2008 | | Back IssuesWilliam Perkins Bull was so filled with energy, intelligence and initiative that he not only recorded history, he made it!
The music that makes our world go round
Nov 18, 2008 | | Back IssuesI have an extraordinary life. I’m a musician, an artist, a writer and a gardener. The beauty of these vocations is that I’m free to do them anywhere and anytime…
Christmas collections and recollections
Nov 18, 2008 | | Back IssuesIt is difficult to know when enough is enough with a collection. But when it has taken over every available shelf, countertop and dresser, it could be time to re-evaluate.
Letters – Our readers write: Winter 2008
Nov 18, 2008 | | Back Issues | Departments | Letters, Our Readers WriteLetters published in the WINTER 2008 edition of In The Hills magazine.
Innovative orangutans, Otzi the Iceman and snotty children
Nov 18, 2008 | | Back Issues | Countryside Digest | Departments | EnvironmentIf you want to avoid catching a cold, keep your nose warm, wash your hands a lot and stay away from children.
Kathryn Thomson
Nov 18, 2008 | | Artist in ResidenceWhen you look at the finished piece, it’s hard to imagine that it was once a fiery, molten liquid.
Root Vegetables for Winter Warmth
Nov 18, 2008 | | Back Issues | Departments | Food | The Country CookA basic tomato sauce is used as a topping for our simple cannelloni dish.
Wild Minks
Nov 18, 2008 | | Back Issues | Departments | Environment | Headwaters SketchbookA mink can swim 30 meters underwater, dive to five meters, curl up with a clear conscience to sleep in a muskrat den after having murdered all the occupants.
Medicinal Wonders?
Nov 18, 2008 | | Historic Hills“Why Die a Lingering Death of Direful Diabetes? Dodd’s Kidney Pills Cure It!”