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Tick Talk

Jun 16, 2015 | Tralee Pearce | Back Issues

Lyme disease was once all but unknown in Ontario. But as the offending ticks migrate north, health agencies warn it’s just a matter of time before Headwaters feels their bite.

Treefrog Blog

Jun 3, 2015 | Don Scallen | Notes from the Wild

Treefrogs have adhesive disks on the tips of their fingers that allow them to climb trees.

Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp

May 5, 2015 | Don Scallen | Notes from the Wild

These aquatic shrimp fairies are aptly named, for they are tiny, gossamer creatures.

Green Herons

Apr 7, 2015 | Don Scallen | Blogs | Notes from the Wild

Humans and other animals – not so different. Green herons will sometimes use leaves and other objects to lure fish within striking distance of their rapier-like beaks.

Bobolinks and Meadowlarks in Search of Some Breeding Space

Mar 23, 2015 | Don Scallen

Long a familiar sight in southern Ontario farm fields, these grassland birds are disappearing. So conservationists and others are joining forces to find practical ways 
to reverse the decline.

Out of Africa, Caledon-Style

Mar 23, 2015 | Gail Grant | Back Issues

In its few short years, Big Life has established itself as an important anti-poaching leader in East Africa.

Bur Oaks

Mar 6, 2015 | Don Scallen | Notes from the Wild

Why do so many sentinel bur oaks grace farm fields in Caledon and other parts of southern Ontario?

Avian immigrants and bird-feeding

Feb 9, 2015 | Don Scallen | Notes from the Wild

Bird feeding has been largely responsible for the expansion of cardinals and mourning doves into Ontario.

House Sparrows

Jan 12, 2015 | Don Scallen | Notes from the Wild

House sparrows may now be the most abundant and widespread bird on Earth, occupying every continent except Antarctica.

Beech Trees

Dec 10, 2014 | Don Scallen | Notes from the Wild

Beech trees are being destroyed at heartbreaking speed by an introduced pathogen called beech bark disease.

The Once and Future Great Lakes Country

Nov 17, 2014 | Don Scallen

History from the Ground Up

Where the Wild Things Are

Nov 8, 2014 | Don Scallen | Notes from the Wild

Where brook trout flourish, expect other exquisite wild things.