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Romancing the Stones

Jun 21, 2007 | Michele Green

Dowsers, druids, geomancers, mystics and a lot of big old rocks.

When the Spirit Moves

Jun 21, 2007 | Tony Reynolds

Paul Morin’s art and music are inspired by his travels among the world’s aboriginal peoples.

Labyrinths and Mazes

Jun 21, 2007 | Karina Campbell | Summer 2007

Places to find or lose yourself in the garden.

Web Masters

Jun 21, 2007 | Don Scallen | Environment | Summer 2007

“What would you rather have, spiders sitting in webs where you can see them, or bugs wandering around undetected?” asks Tom Mason.

Rocks of Ages Redefined

Jun 21, 2007 | Signe Ball

If there is one elemental resource we can count on in this region, it is rocks. Our practical forebears cleared them laboriously from the land, by hand and with horse…

Letters – Our readers write: Summer 2007

Jun 21, 2007 | In The Hills | Summer 2007

Letters published in the Summer 2007 edition of In The Hills magazine.

Gardening under Glass

Mar 22, 2007 | Michele Green

Container gardening has been one trend that has continued to grow reliably over the past several years, with the style and contents of containers continuing to evolve.

Your Own Glass House: Home Greenhouse

Mar 22, 2007 | Liz Knowles

Hockley Valley gardener Liz Knowles offers the following advice for making the most of your own greenhouse.

He gardens She gardens

Mar 22, 2007 | Andrew & Sue Osyany | Spring 2007

We can’t even agree on the right speed for the windshield wipers, so why did we think that we could garden together? We gardened before there was each other. Sue…

Nottawasaga Daylilies: One Day Wonders

Mar 22, 2007 | Michele Green

Of the thousands of cultivars available, the only problem with daylilies is deciding which ones to grow.

Bullfrog Power

Mar 22, 2007 | Tim Shuff

Purchasing Power! Bullfrog Power’s green electricity is hot in Headwaters, but is it worth the premium price?

Orangeville Blues and Jazz Festival

Mar 22, 2007 | Lisa Watson

NIGHTS ON BROADWAY ARE HOT HOT HOT! And so are the days when the Orangeville Blues and Jazz comes to town. The festival has definitely found its groove.