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Good Sport

Follow the adventuring spirit of Nicola Ross in Good Sport.

Qigong: Going with the Flow

Nov 16, 2012 | Nicola Ross

Qigong involves repeating exercises – some very simple and others much more rigourous – meant to get chi flowing. Specific exercises affect different areas of the body, allowing a practitioner to focus on particular problems and self-heal.

Ladies’ night out … with shotguns

Sep 13, 2012 | Nicola Ross

I cracked the gun open and the empty shot popped out of the barrel in a small cloud of smoke.

Up, up and away: Brampton Flight Centre offers would-be pilots“three-dimensional freedom”

Jun 19, 2012 | Nicola Ross

I was making big swooping manoeuvres, feeling as if I were a kid running across the lawn with my arms outstretched playing airplane.

Rowing on Island Lake

Mar 22, 2012 | Nicola Ross

On the calm, early morning waters of Island Lake, rowers get a healthy head start on their day.

Off-trail on Snowshoes

Nov 21, 2011 | Nicola Ross

We’d warmed up with a short hike down to a kettle lake covered in untrodden snow. We couldn’t resist the temptation to make tracks, so we crossed the lake enjoying the silence and the warm sunshine.

Putting the Cart After the Horse

Sep 9, 2011 | Nicola Ross

Soon we’re flying up the road. Had I worn a silk scarf, it would have been streaming out behind me.

A Courtly Romance

Jun 16, 2011 | Nicola Ross

Croquet, at least the version I was about to learn, is both remarkably like and completely different from what most kids play.